Statement of
Core Beliefs

In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that there exists one God, living and true, infinite and perfect, in all His divine attributes and unique in essence.
He exists eternally in three persons and reveals himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit without any division in His nature, essence, or being, each equally worthy of worship and obedience.
Dt. 6:4; Is. 45:5-7; Mt. 28:19; 2 Co. 13:14.
He exists eternally in three persons and reveals himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit without any division in His nature, essence, or being, each equally worthy of worship and obedience.
Dt. 6:4; Is. 45:5-7; Mt. 28:19; 2 Co. 13:14.

The Holy Scriptures
In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that the Holy Scriptures are a testimony of God himself; it’s here where we find God who in himself is truth and only speaks truth. Through His Holy Spirit, he inspired men to write an infallible and inerrant word with a Divine authority so that God would reveal himself to a lost humanity and reveal Jesus Christ as creator and Lord, redeemer and judge.
Ex. 24:4; Dt. 4:1-2; Jos. 8:34; Mt. 5:17-18; Jn. 5:39; 2 Ti. 3:15-17.
Ex. 24:4; Dt. 4:1-2; Jos. 8:34; Mt. 5:17-18; Jn. 5:39; 2 Ti. 3:15-17.

The Church
In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that the church is the body of Christ, represented by people who have been saved and are born again through the Holy Spirit, and these people live to exalt, praise, and complete the purposes of God.
In essence the church is a visible and external manifestation of God’s divine purpose in which Christ is the head and supreme authority.
1 Co. 11:3, 12:12-13; Eph. 1:22, 3:6.
In essence the church is a visible and external manifestation of God’s divine purpose in which Christ is the head and supreme authority.
1 Co. 11:3, 12:12-13; Eph. 1:22, 3:6.

The Trinity
In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that there exists one God who is living, true, eternal and perfect and whose attributes are divine and he is unique in essence. Existing co-eternally in three persons, revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and not divided in nature, essence, being all three worthy of worship and obedience. The Bible never explicitly states the term “trinity”, it is implicit.
All three members of the Trinity are seen in the baptism of Jesus (Mt. 3:16-17). They are not manifestations or modes of God.
God the Father: In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that God the father is the first person of the Trinity, creator of all things, ruler of all things, omnipotent, sovereign over all creation, providence and redemption. He is the creator over all human beings but is a father to believers. Everything that occurs is according to His decrees and for His glory. In His sovereignty, He is not the author or approver of sin, he chooses his elect for salvation and saves all who come to Him through Christ. He adopts those who come to him thus, becoming a Father of His elect.
Gn. 1:1-31; Ps. 103:19, 145:8-9; 1 Co. 8:6; Ro. 8:14-15, 11:36; Ef. 1:11, 4:6;
2 Co. 6:18; Hab. 1:13; Jn. 1:12; 15:16; Ga. 4:5; Heb. 12:5-9.
God the Son: In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity. The only begotten son of God, begotten not in time but in eternity. We believe He is God incarnate, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary without sin. In Him there are two natures. That is, He is truly God and truly man. He is God-man posesor of all the divine attributes because He is God, co-substance and co-eternal with the Father. Honoring the divine law through His obedience and redeems humanity by His death by shedding His blood and as a sacrifice on the cross. His death was voluntary, substitutionary, propitiatory, and redemptive. He resurrected from the grave on the third day and ascended unto heaven and now sits and the right hand of the father, as the only mediator between God and man, and one day he will return to the world to judge and finish His redemptive mission.
Jn. 3:16, 8:56-58, 10:15 y 30, 14:9; Mt. 1:8, 2:1; Ro. 3:24-25, 5-8; 1 Pt. 2:24, 3:22; 1 Co. 15:4; Act. 1:9; 1 Ti. 2:5; 1 Ts. 4:13-18.
God the Holy Spirit: In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, co-equal, co-eternal, co-existing with the Father and the Son. He is called God, possesses divine attributes, and performs God’s works as creation, regeneration, resurrection, transformation and salvation. He is the administrator of the spiritual gifts to the church, without glorifying Himself or His gifts. On the contrary, He glorifies Christ by implementing the work of redemption to the lost and edification to all believers. And concerning this we believe that He is sovereign in granting His gifts for the perfection of every believer in the present time and that the operation of miracles, signs, wonders and speaking in tongues in the first days of the church were only to certify the apostles as bearers of the divine work and the purpose of these was never to be characteristic in the lives of the believers. We do not deny that God continues to work miraculously, but not in the context presented in our days through different religious movements.
Mt. 28:19; Act. 1:8, 5:3-4, 9:14; Jer. 31:33; 2 Co. 3:17-18,12:12; Lk. 1:35;
1 Co. 2:10, 6:11, 12:4-11, 13:8-10; Ps. 139:7-10; Ef. 4:7-12, 30; Gn. 1:1-2;
Jn. 3:3, 5-8, 16:13; Ro. 3:11, 8:13, 15:30; Ga. 5:16-24; Heb. 2:1-4.
All three members of the Trinity are seen in the baptism of Jesus (Mt. 3:16-17). They are not manifestations or modes of God.
God the Father: In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that God the father is the first person of the Trinity, creator of all things, ruler of all things, omnipotent, sovereign over all creation, providence and redemption. He is the creator over all human beings but is a father to believers. Everything that occurs is according to His decrees and for His glory. In His sovereignty, He is not the author or approver of sin, he chooses his elect for salvation and saves all who come to Him through Christ. He adopts those who come to him thus, becoming a Father of His elect.
Gn. 1:1-31; Ps. 103:19, 145:8-9; 1 Co. 8:6; Ro. 8:14-15, 11:36; Ef. 1:11, 4:6;
2 Co. 6:18; Hab. 1:13; Jn. 1:12; 15:16; Ga. 4:5; Heb. 12:5-9.
God the Son: In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity. The only begotten son of God, begotten not in time but in eternity. We believe He is God incarnate, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary without sin. In Him there are two natures. That is, He is truly God and truly man. He is God-man posesor of all the divine attributes because He is God, co-substance and co-eternal with the Father. Honoring the divine law through His obedience and redeems humanity by His death by shedding His blood and as a sacrifice on the cross. His death was voluntary, substitutionary, propitiatory, and redemptive. He resurrected from the grave on the third day and ascended unto heaven and now sits and the right hand of the father, as the only mediator between God and man, and one day he will return to the world to judge and finish His redemptive mission.
Jn. 3:16, 8:56-58, 10:15 y 30, 14:9; Mt. 1:8, 2:1; Ro. 3:24-25, 5-8; 1 Pt. 2:24, 3:22; 1 Co. 15:4; Act. 1:9; 1 Ti. 2:5; 1 Ts. 4:13-18.
God the Holy Spirit: In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, co-equal, co-eternal, co-existing with the Father and the Son. He is called God, possesses divine attributes, and performs God’s works as creation, regeneration, resurrection, transformation and salvation. He is the administrator of the spiritual gifts to the church, without glorifying Himself or His gifts. On the contrary, He glorifies Christ by implementing the work of redemption to the lost and edification to all believers. And concerning this we believe that He is sovereign in granting His gifts for the perfection of every believer in the present time and that the operation of miracles, signs, wonders and speaking in tongues in the first days of the church were only to certify the apostles as bearers of the divine work and the purpose of these was never to be characteristic in the lives of the believers. We do not deny that God continues to work miraculously, but not in the context presented in our days through different religious movements.
Mt. 28:19; Act. 1:8, 5:3-4, 9:14; Jer. 31:33; 2 Co. 3:17-18,12:12; Lk. 1:35;
1 Co. 2:10, 6:11, 12:4-11, 13:8-10; Ps. 139:7-10; Ef. 4:7-12, 30; Gn. 1:1-2;
Jn. 3:3, 5-8, 16:13; Ro. 3:11, 8:13, 15:30; Ga. 5:16-24; Heb. 2:1-4.

In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that salvation is a gift from God and not based on a personal decision. The work of salvation is completely by grace and is attributed to God alone through the redemptive work of Christ by the shedding of his blood on the cross, by which he obtained eternal redemption for those who believe. Thus, salvation is not based on human works or merits but on the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.
Jn. 1:12; Eph. 1:7; 2:8-10; 1 Pt. 1:18-19.
Jn. 1:12; Eph. 1:7; 2:8-10; 1 Pt. 1:18-19.

In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that man was created in the image and likeness of God, and women were also created in the image and likeness of God from man. However, after the fall the image was corrupted by sin. As a result, all humans are born in sin, under the curse of sin, and separate from Holy God because of sin. Because of sin man is no longer “good,” is unable to look for God, and is unable to save himself from sin.
Despite this corruption humanity as God’s image bearers still have value and thus, must be treated with dignity and respect.
Gn 1:26-28, 2:21-22, 3:23-24; Ps 51:5, 58:3; Rom. 5:12-14; 1 Cor. 15:20-22.
Despite this corruption humanity as God’s image bearers still have value and thus, must be treated with dignity and respect.
Gn 1:26-28, 2:21-22, 3:23-24; Ps 51:5, 58:3; Rom. 5:12-14; 1 Cor. 15:20-22.

Imago Dei
WE AFFIRM that God created each person equally in his own image. As divine image-bearers, all persons have inestimable worth and dignity before God and deserve honor, respect and protection.inestimable before God and deserve honor, respect and protection. All have been created by God, for God, and life begins at conception.
WE DENY that God-given roles, socio-economic status, ethnicity, religion, gender or physical condition religion, sex or physical condition or any other property of a person negates or contributes to the value of that contribute to that individual's value as an image bearer of God.
Gn. 1: 26-30; 2: 18-22; 9: 6; 2 Cor. 5:17; Col.1: 21-22; Ps. 139: 13-16; Jer. 1:5.
WE DENY that God-given roles, socio-economic status, ethnicity, religion, gender or physical condition religion, sex or physical condition or any other property of a person negates or contributes to the value of that contribute to that individual's value as an image bearer of God.
Gn. 1: 26-30; 2: 18-22; 9: 6; 2 Cor. 5:17; Col.1: 21-22; Ps. 139: 13-16; Jer. 1:5.

The Lord's Supper & Baptism
In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that only believers have the privilege to partake in the Lord’s Supper as a proclamation of His sacrifice and future return. As a means of grace, the elements of the Supper are representations of the blood and body of Christ, however, as a divine ordinance we know Christ is spiritually present with the church for present spiritual nourishment.
Therefore the three aspects we affirm of the Supper are; past, present, future.
Further, we affirm that baptism, which is only through immersion, is done through an act of obedience and by faith in Jesus Christ who is our Lord and savior who was crucified and rose from the dead giving us union with Him in His death and resurrection unto a new life and identifying us with the body of Christ, which is the church.
1 Co. 11:28-32; Act. 2:41-42, 8:36-39; Ro. 6:1-11.
Therefore the three aspects we affirm of the Supper are; past, present, future.
Further, we affirm that baptism, which is only through immersion, is done through an act of obedience and by faith in Jesus Christ who is our Lord and savior who was crucified and rose from the dead giving us union with Him in His death and resurrection unto a new life and identifying us with the body of Christ, which is the church.
1 Co. 11:28-32; Act. 2:41-42, 8:36-39; Ro. 6:1-11.

The Last Things (Eschatology)
In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that God in His time and through His will shall bring the world to an end according to His promise, and that Jesus Christ will gloriously visibly return to this world, and that the dead will rise. Further, Christ will judge all men who have been unjust and send them to hell, the eternal place of punishment, but those who are just who have been raised and glorified will receive their reward, dwelling with Christ for all eternity.
Is. 2:4; Mt. 16:27-19:18; 1 Ts. 4:14-18, 5:1-11; 2 Ts. 1:7-9;
Rev. 21.
Is. 2:4; Mt. 16:27-19:18; 1 Ts. 4:14-18, 5:1-11; 2 Ts. 1:7-9;
Rev. 21.

The Surety of the Christian
In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that there is a promise from God for our life, that what He starts in our soul, He will finish. A genuine Christian can fall radically and seriously, but never totally and finally, from God's grace.
The assurance of our salvation does not depend on us since our confidence is in the power of Christ to keep us by His grace and the power of His intercession.
Fil. 1:6; Mt. 24:13; Ro. 8:31-36; 2 Co. 4:7-16; He. 6:9-12, 10:35-39.
The assurance of our salvation does not depend on us since our confidence is in the power of Christ to keep us by His grace and the power of His intercession.
Fil. 1:6; Mt. 24:13; Ro. 8:31-36; 2 Co. 4:7-16; He. 6:9-12, 10:35-39.

Real Atonement (Definitive)
In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that the work of atonement done by Jesus on the cross once and for all was sufficient to give us redemption, and in substitution took our place, and that our sins were imputed on Him, appeasing the wrath of God and reconciling us with God the Father, since the death of Christ saves completely and not potentially, in turn, does not depend on who accepts it or not.
1 P. 1:18-19; Ap. 5:9; Is. 53:6,12; Jn. 1:29; 2 Co. 5:18-19,21;
Ga. 3:13; Lv. 4:35; Ro. 3:25, 5:10.
1 P. 1:18-19; Ap. 5:9; Is. 53:6,12; Jn. 1:29; 2 Co. 5:18-19,21;
Ga. 3:13; Lv. 4:35; Ro. 3:25, 5:10.

In Vida Abundante, we believe that people who are dead in their trespasses and sins cannot come to Christ alone. They need a new heart, which happens when the Holy Spirit does the work of regeneration in the person. With a new heart, the call of the gospel becomes irresistible to them.
Jn. 1:12-13, 3:8, 6:44; Ro. 8:28-30.
Jn. 1:12-13, 3:8, 6:44; Ro. 8:28-30.

In Vida Abundante, we believe and affirm that election/predestination means that God does not see an action or condition in us that obligates Him to save us. On the contrary, it means that God, in a sovereign work, is the one who decides to choose some for salvation and pass over others (He chooses to extend grace to some, but not to all). That is why we can say together with Jonah, "Salvation comes from the Lord."
Mr. 13:20; Ef. 1:4; Ap. 13:8, 17:8; 1 Co. 1:27-29; 2 Ti. 1:9;
Hch. 13:48, 18:27; Ro. 9:10-24; Jon. 2:9.
Mr. 13:20; Ef. 1:4; Ap. 13:8, 17:8; 1 Co. 1:27-29; 2 Ti. 1:9;
Hch. 13:48, 18:27; Ro. 9:10-24; Jon. 2:9.
Other Statements
Biblical Parental Instruction
We understand Biblically that baptizing children or presenting children (formerly known as child presentation) is not a proven pattern in the Bible. Our reference to Jesus being presented in the temple (Lk. 2:22) is only a Jewish tradition that his parents were fulfilling. For the church, it is not the norm or an established pattern. However, according to the Bible, every parent should be instructed in their role; therefore, we have classes designed for this type of instruction.
Dt. 6:4-7; Pro. 22:6; Ef. 6:4.
In Vida Abundante, we affirm that the roles of man and woman complement each other. What does this mean? It means that man and woman are equal in value and dignity because they were made in the image of God (Gn. 1:27).
However, God, in His perfect plan, assigned specific responsibilities to each. We see this responsibility in the home and the church as well.
Man's Responsibility in the Home: From the beginning and before the fall of Adam and Eve, we see that God first created man and gave him a responsibility to name the animals, care for the earth, and instruct Eve. The moment Adam ceases to care for Eve, the serpent enters, and Eve falls into temptation. That is why Ephesians 5:23-25 says that "the man is the head of the woman," not superior, but responsible for his home, and that his most significant responsibility is to love his wife as Christ loved the church.
Woman's Responsibility in the Home: From the beginning, we see that the purpose for which God created the woman was to be a "help meet" for the man (Gn. 3:18). It is important to note that the woman is the helper, not the head of the man. In the garden, we see that sin enters humanity when Eve takes responsibility for the home. Eve takes the fruit from the tree, eats it, and gives it to Adam.
The important thing here is that Adam was present but did not assume his responsibility as head of the household, and the consequences were terrible. Adam and Eve's mistake exemplifies what happens when we step out of God's plan for the family. Ephesians 5:22 says, "Wives be subject to your husbands." Again, this does not mean that men are superior or more valuable than women.
Functions within the church: In the Bible, we see that women can serve within the church except as pastors and elders. Since pastors and elders are the ones who teach the church, we affirm that women cannot instruct men in the word
(1 Ti 2:11-12) and that this is the responsibility of men with good testimonies and with good families. The wives of the pastors and elders are to help their husbands and instruct the women within the congregation.
We understand Biblically that baptizing children or presenting children (formerly known as child presentation) is not a proven pattern in the Bible. Our reference to Jesus being presented in the temple (Lk. 2:22) is only a Jewish tradition that his parents were fulfilling. For the church, it is not the norm or an established pattern. However, according to the Bible, every parent should be instructed in their role; therefore, we have classes designed for this type of instruction.
Dt. 6:4-7; Pro. 22:6; Ef. 6:4.
In Vida Abundante, we affirm that the roles of man and woman complement each other. What does this mean? It means that man and woman are equal in value and dignity because they were made in the image of God (Gn. 1:27).
However, God, in His perfect plan, assigned specific responsibilities to each. We see this responsibility in the home and the church as well.
Man's Responsibility in the Home: From the beginning and before the fall of Adam and Eve, we see that God first created man and gave him a responsibility to name the animals, care for the earth, and instruct Eve. The moment Adam ceases to care for Eve, the serpent enters, and Eve falls into temptation. That is why Ephesians 5:23-25 says that "the man is the head of the woman," not superior, but responsible for his home, and that his most significant responsibility is to love his wife as Christ loved the church.
Woman's Responsibility in the Home: From the beginning, we see that the purpose for which God created the woman was to be a "help meet" for the man (Gn. 3:18). It is important to note that the woman is the helper, not the head of the man. In the garden, we see that sin enters humanity when Eve takes responsibility for the home. Eve takes the fruit from the tree, eats it, and gives it to Adam.
The important thing here is that Adam was present but did not assume his responsibility as head of the household, and the consequences were terrible. Adam and Eve's mistake exemplifies what happens when we step out of God's plan for the family. Ephesians 5:22 says, "Wives be subject to your husbands." Again, this does not mean that men are superior or more valuable than women.
Functions within the church: In the Bible, we see that women can serve within the church except as pastors and elders. Since pastors and elders are the ones who teach the church, we affirm that women cannot instruct men in the word
(1 Ti 2:11-12) and that this is the responsibility of men with good testimonies and with good families. The wives of the pastors and elders are to help their husbands and instruct the women within the congregation.