The Basics of Vida Abundante

Expository Preaching
We believe that the diet of any healthy church should come from God's Word. It sounds basic to say, but often, pastors use pulpit time for clever stories, jokes, and what Christian Smith calls "therapeutic moral deism." For that reason, we preaching directly from the Bible. We practice Expository Preaching, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. 
Reformed but not Reformed
We are a non-denominational church. However, some people have asked if we are "Reformed." Our answer is simple: We are reformed regarding soteriology but not in ecclesiology or eschatology. Hermeneutically, we are also not reformed. We hold to a literal-grammatical-historical hermeneutic instead of a redemptive-historical commonly found in reformed or Presbyterian denominations. 
What about the Spiritual Gifts?
If you are interested in this section, you may be familiar with the terms, continuationist and cessationist. We are cessationist. We believe apostolic gifts have ceased with the closing of the canon. However, we still believe God is actively involved in His church and can operate miraculously as He pleases, tho no one can claim to be God's direct agent. 
We believe the Bible calls for qualified elders to lead the church. This means we are not led by one sole pastor. At the moment, we have 3 elders and 2 in candidacy. We also take the apostle Paul's word to Timothy: women cannot lead or exercise authority over men. Basically, we do not see the bible allowing for women pastors. 
Liturgy is the worship of the church. When we say worship, we do not mean the music portion of the service. We mean everything that happens on a Sunday morning. We believe that God calls us to worship him in order and according to his desires, not our own. Therefore, the liturgy of our church includes extended portions of scripture reading, prayers, hymns or modern hymns, preaching, and a proper administration of the Lord's Supper.
The Music:
We take the music element of our service seriously. Therefore, we do not sing the modern "me-centered," theologically absent, emotional pop songs that are prevalent on the radio and often. We simply sing Hymns,  modern hymns, or new songs our music team writes. 

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