Here in Vida Abundante, we celebrate the parents of newborn children who decide to raise them in the ways of the Lord. The small ceremony occurs during our worship service in a segment called 'Celebrating the works of God.' Here, the parents of the children are welcomed on stage to publicly confess their commitment to raising their children according to Scripture. The Pastor then does a prayer for the family and child. We do not teach that this celebration is salvific or that the child is now a Christian. We pray that the parents take the presentation seriously and commit to leading a Godly life before their children. To raise them in the faith so they decide to follow Christ for themselves one day.

Before the celebration, the pastors need to know the families of the children they are presenting. We, therefore, have designed a small class to inform the parents what the Scriptures teach about raising children. Upon completion of the course, the parents can present their child. If you are interested, please fill out the form below, and we will contact you for classes. Also, only members of Vida Abundante can move forward with the process.